Baranja - Wine regions
Baranja wineyards
Baranja region is located in the north-east part of Croatia, placed between Danube and Drava rivers. This well recognized and beloved wine county stretches through two countries, Croatia and Hungary, and is apt for growing both white and red grapes.
The root of the name comes from Hungarian language, and loosely translated means "the mother of wine". That fact might be the best argument for the assertion that grapes and wine are at the heart of this piece of heaven on earth.
Most common wine variety in Croatian part of Baranja is graševina (welschriesling). In the white assortment you can also find pinot blanc and gris, traminer, chardonnay, riesling and sauvignon blanc as common varieties. In red assortment most common is frankovka (blaufrankish) followed by cabernet franc, cabernet sauvignon, merlot and pinot noir.
The largerst producer is Belje winery whose tradition dates back to late 17th century. The rest is consisted of smaller winaries such as Josić, Kalazić, Kolar, Szabo, Kusić Gerštmajer, Pinkert and many others.